Letters For Amanda

I have a small favor (with a big impact) to ask of you friends. Meet Amanda:

Amanda is 33 years old and has two boys ages 3 and 5. Up until recently, Amanda had been a healthy young mother. This past December, Amanda became sick with strep. On Christmas Eve, Amanda was admitted into the hospital where the bacteria continued to spread through her bloodstream, causing her body to go into septic shock. She went into major organ failure which severely restricted blood flow to her extremities. While you and I were most likely opening Christmas gifts with our families, Amanda was fighting for her life.

She spent the next week in a coma and had to have both of her legs amputated (due to loss of blood flow) on January 2nd. Then on this past Friday, Amanda had both of her hands amputated. As you can imagine, Amanda is in an excruciating amount of physical pain but is also trying to come to terms with a life with limb loss. I know she is thinking about how she will continue to raise her young boys. 

If you know me, you know this story hits close to home as my sister Kristan went through a VERY similar situation just a year ago. Kristan went into the hospital with the flu and strep and, like Amanda, went into septic shock. Kristan lost both hands, her left foot, and her toes and part of her heel on her right foot. We are so blessed that Kristan lived through it. Literally at this time last year, Kristan was in a rehab hospital awaiting amputation surgery. 

A few weeks ago, Isabel (Amanda's sister) was researching quadruple amputees and came across Kristan's story on People.com. Isabel contacted us looking for encouragement and advice. I hate what Kristan has walked through, but I LOVE how God can turn it for good and give her the opportunity to speak life into others. 

My heart just HURTS for Amanda and her family. I have great HOPE for Amanda's life and I know firsthand of God's healing and redemptive powers. But I also remember what dark days there were immediately following Kristan's amputations. 

So here's where you come in. Over the next week, I will be collecting #LettersForAmanda. I would love for my mailbox to be INUNDATED with letters and cards to encourage this young, beautiful and vibrant mother. I will then send a large package to Amanda with all of our letters. Letters are due by Wednesday, January 28th. I know that her family has been camped out in the hospital waiting room for weeks. They have been spending most of their time there in between taking care of their own children and working. I know they would also appreciate books, magazines and gift cards for Subway and Au Bon Pain (which are located at the hospital and open 24 hours). If you are interested, please contact me directly at lauren.kaczmarski@gmail.com

When Kristan was in the hospital, a dear friend created a "love jar" for Kristan and collected small notes. Whenever Kristan was feeling down we would pull out a note of encouragement for her. I would love for Amanda to receive as much kindness and encouragement. Will you please help us to love on Amanda?  

If you would like to follow Amanda's story, you may visit her facebook page here

Her family has also started a fundraising page to help with medical expenses here

Please share! Let's make #lettersforamanda a viral movement!

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